Learn about Our Composting Programs!

  • On our site, we have an efficient and dynamic centralized vermicomposting system.

    Through this system, we strive to tackle food waste and promote sustainability. We collect kitchen waste weekly from households and deposit it into composting tables.

    In these tables, over 20 thousand worms work to break down the organic kitchen waste. Their natural digestion process transforms the food scraps into high-quality vermicompost. This compost is a nutrient-rich organic fertilizer beneficial for plants and the environment.

    This system diverts food waste from landfills and produces valuable vermicompost for sustainable agriculture. By harnessing the power of these worms, we contribute to a greener future and reduce our environmental impact.

  • Also on-site, we have a hot composting system designed to handle certain materials that our worm workers might not prefer, such as onions and citrus. Additionally, we often have more waste than the worms can process, and this excess waste finds its place in our hot composting system.

    In this system, we segregate the waste based on its composition. Yard waste, like leaves and branches, is collected and piled together. Meanwhile, food waste and cardboard are collected and placed in bins to avoid bad odors.

    The magic of hot composting lies in its ability to accelerate the decomposition process. As the composting materials decompose, they generate heat, which raises the temperature inside the compost pile or bins. This increased heat speeds up the breakdown of organic matter and kills off any potential pathogens or weed seeds. The result is a robust and nutrient-rich compost that serves as an invaluable resource for nourishing soil and promoting healthy plant growth.

    By utilizing the hot composting method, we ensure that nothing goes to waste in our efforts to create a greener and more sustainable environment.

  • We are excited to introduce our future initiative: the Household Vermicomposting System!

    Set to launch in 2024, this program aims to empower 30+ households with the tools and knowledge to compost their kitchen waste sustainably.

    As part of this initiative, we will provide each participating household with designed worm bins, a supply of worms, and educational materials on how to effectively manage their vermicomposting system. Our goal is to make the process easy, enjoyable, and accessible for everyone.

    The benefits of vermicomposting are numerous. By composting kitchen waste with the help of worms, households can significantly reduce waste in their community. This system will also contribute to healthier soil and support sustainable practices.

    But that's not all - the Household Vermicomposting System also creates an opportunity for participating households to turn their kitchen scraps into a valuable resource. Once the compost is ready, households can sell it back to us, creating a novel source of income where waste is transformed into a valuable product.

    Stay tuned for updates on this exciting initiative! Together, we can build a more resilient and sustainable community, one worm bin at a time.